Saturday, 1 November 2014

Blood Letters Vendors Revealed!


Abiss Design

    Blue Balls / Animated Living

      Cheeky Pea


          [Cynful] Clothing & Co + CnS e-motions

            Deadpool Fashion

              Deluxe Body Factory



                    GlamRus Poses


                        Laudanum Lollipops

                          Lilith's Den


                              Maxi Gossamer

                                MiChIGaN's ShAcK


                                    Never Totally Dead...

                                      RACK Poses

                                        Razor ///



                                              Warm Animations

                                                [we're CLOSED]

                                                  X-Clusives Animations

                                                  Please note these vendors appear in alphabetical order and not the order that they will be released in the hunt.

                                                  Each vendor is supplying not one, but TWO prizes for this hunt - one you collect when you visit their store and one for all those that complete the hunt! 

                                                  Wednesday, 11 June 2014


                                                  Sometimes I wish we could be together and we could do special things that seem like regular things…
                                                  Sometimes I wish you could help pick out my cereal in the morning and pick out the clothes I would wear during the day…
                                                  I wish we could snuggle on the couch together… Watch a movie together and eat popcorn…
                                                  I wish we could have a shower together and you could wash my hair and wash my body… Even my private parts….
                                                  I wish you could help pick out my jammies and pull them over my head…
                                                  I wish you would remind me to go pee before bed… And brush my teeth like a good girl.
                                                  I wish you could tuck me under the covers…
                                                  Make sure that I had a glass of water on the night stand…
                                                  And read me a book or two before lights out…
                                                  You would always make sure my night light worked…
                                                  I wish Daddy would play with me before bed and allow me to worship him and be his good girl before kissing me on the forehead… And saying night night little one…
                                                  Sometimes its the day to day stuff I long for and wish for most…
                                                  Sometimes it makes me sad thinking about that and all I want is my Daddy to put his arms around me and tell me, it will be okay… He’ll make everything better.

                                                  Fuck Me… and not in the good way

                                                  I’ve been fighting it… and I think I have to finally admit defeat.
                                                  I’m depressed.  In a serious way.  I have struggled with depression my entire life.  Usually… it is kept at a mild, functioning level but there are times when it peaks… and I run into serious trouble.  This is one of those times and I hate it.  I hate to admit it.  I hate that I have to go into my doctor and try to explain what is going on in my head.
                                                  I don’t tell friends and family because I can’t stand being worried about.  I can’t stand pity.  I isolate myself because I hate pretending that I’m okay and that everything is fine.  It takes too much energy.  I am fine, as long as I can sleep 14 hours a day, eat, watch TV and not be forced to interact with anyone.  I don’t get dressed unless I have to.  I feel like I just can’t be fucking bothered.
                                                  Fuck me – time to go visit my doctor and let her in on the ‘good’ news… while I’m still ‘well’ enough to even be able to do that.
                                                  I’m SO tempted not to post this… but the first step is admitting the problem, right?

                                                  Free Write Wednessday

                                                   I will post a quote, poem, image or thought for you to ponder. It’s time to free yourself and all of those brilliant words trying to escape your brain; without fear, without worry of criticism, without that little editor devil on your shoulder telling you it’s not good enough.

                                                  This image reminds me of my relationship with my Daddy Dom.  He is the big bear, strong and protective over the one’s he loves.  There I am, my Little self, reaching out, so tiny and helpless compared to him.  So vulnerable, yet unafraid, not because he’s weak but because he is gentle.  There is an innocence in this picture.  An innocence on behalf of the child, perhaps unaware of the potential danger posed by the bear or perhaps she sees the bear, not through the eyes of fear but through the eyes of love.  I choose the second explanation.

                                                  Daddy Doms and Littles, Some Basics

                                                  I was approached by someone kind of new to the entire Daddy Dom and Little thing, asking me some questions that I think ALOT of people have.  So… I want to share with you guys, some of what I wrote.
                                                  Disclaimer:  I’m not an expert on the DD/lg dynamic and I certainly don’t claim to be.  I don’t thinkanybody has the right to claim to be an expert on it (regardless of their years of experience in the lifestyle).  I’m simply expressing my own experiences and thoughts.

                                                  It is difficult to find good information online about the DD/lg dynamic.

                                                  The important thing to remember is that the information that you do find… there is no right or wrong and there is certainly no rule book out there, so please don’t let anyone tell you there is.
                                                  It’s like any other relationship… whatever happens between two consenting adults, is what happens.  What those two people deem is right for them… guess what?  It IS!  The word two is underlined for a really good reason – it isn’t about what is right for just the Dom, it’s about what is right for both of you and the two of you decide what that is.
                                                  Saying that… there certainly are common things that happen within the DD/lg dynamic but nobody should tell you… ‘you have to do this’… or ‘He has to do that’ or ‘this is the way it has to be’.
                                                  You’ll develop your own unique dynamic between the two of you.  No two relationships are exactly the same (thank goodness)!
                                                  You might try things you like, you might try things you don’t like.
                                                  It’s a changing, adapting, self-adjusting thing.

                                                  How do you know if He knows what He is doing?

                                                  Some good things to think about:
                                                  1. Is He experienced with the lifestyle and if so, what did his last relationship look like?  How did it end?  The best predictor of future behaviour, is past behaviour.
                                                  2. Does He try to tell you… it ‘has to be’ this way… or it ‘has to be’ that way?  If so… big red flag.
                                                  3. Daddy Doms tend to be very nurturing and they often Dominate in a gentler way than your “typical” Dominant.
                                                  4. Does he set a good example in his own life?  Is he in control of his own emotions?  If a Dom can’t control his OWN emotions and his OWN life… what makes you think he should have any business in controlling YOU?  A Daddy Dom should be a good example.  He should be someone who lives his life in a way that you can look up to.  How could you possibly trust him and place yourself, your safety and your well-being in his hands… if he can’t even control himself and his own life?
                                                  5. Daddy Doms aren’t perfect and they shouldn’t pretend to be.  If He claims to be the‘master’ Daddy Dom – believe me, he isn’t.
                                                  6. What is his motivation?  My Daddy Dom helps me – be me.  He encourages me and helps me constructively.  Daddy does what is best for me.  He always puts my best interests – first.
                                                  7. Do you trust him?  If you don’t – big red flag - rethink putting yourself in his hands.
                                                  8. Can you talk openly and honestly with him?  When you do talk with him, do you truly feel heard?  Healthy communication in a DD/lg relationship is essential.  I believe that having healthy communication in a BDSM relationship is even MORE important than in a ‘regular’ relationship.
                                                  9. Respect is earned, not demanded.  I respect, admire and worship my Daddy because I look up to him, I feel respected by him, I trust him and I adore him.  I could never ‘worship’ someone, who tried to demand ‘worship’ from me.

                                                  What sorts of rights does a Little have?

                                                  Everything you do with your Daddy Dom… should absolutely be 100% consensual.  If it isn’t… it’s abuse.
                                                  There are Daddy Dom’s out there… that abuse women, under the guise of being a Dominant.  ‘Newbies’ are particularly vulnerable and guess what?  These abusers and rapists know it and they specifically prey on them.  It’s important to be aware of that.  Many women have been seriously hurt… physically, emotionally, psychologically and sexually by abusers and rapists that claim to be Doms.
                                                  Pay attention to your intuition.  Go with your gut.
                                                  My Daddy Dom ‘reads me’.  He pays close attention to everything I do.  The way I’m reacting to him… the way I’m breathing, the way I’m moving… if I’m tensing up… if I’m relaxed… the look in my eyes… my body language… all of those things.  He knows me.  That’s a Daddy Dom’s job – toknow his Little.  If a Daddy Dom isn’t paying attention like that… big red flag.
                                                  You should have a safe word and even a safe signal because a Little can get so deeply into the subzone… that they become non-verbal… unable to even say the safe word.  HE should be the one insisting you have a safe word.  After all… your Daddy Dom is responsible for your well-being and safety during ‘play’… if he isn’t concerned about you having a way to show or tell him that you REALLY mean NO… again – big red flag.

                                                  Ultimately… whatever happens between the two of you… should be for your enjoyment (even if that enjoyment is pain!).  The things you do with him and the way you interact with him… should be a positive experience.  It should feel good.  If it doesn’t… there’s a problem.  Don’t ignore it.  Listen to what your heart and gut is saying.

                                                  Something I would really recommend.. join FetLife.  They have groups specifically for Littles, Daddy Doms and the DD/lg dynamic… (as well as a ton of other BDSM related ‘labels’).  These groups post and discuss common issues… common problems… common concerns that come up.  You can ‘meet’ others and talk with others online (if you want to), that share similar interests and you’ll learn a lot from them.  Again… get a wide range of perspectives… no one person is ‘RIGHT’ or doing things the ‘RIGHT’ way.  Reaching out to others in that way… I believe is important.  Your Daddy Dom… shouldn’t be your only link and communication when it comes to things.  He should been couraging you to reach out to others.  Again… if he doesn’t, big red flag.  I would really encourage you to talk not only to those in a DD/lg relationship but talk to other ‘newbies’ too!  I love talking about the dynamic and I find that some of the greatest stuff comes from talking with others about their experiences, perspectives and opinions.
                                                  Oh and just a note… FetLife is free.  There is a section (pictures, videos etc) that if you want to have a ton of access to… you do need to pay for but the site is awesome even if you decide you don’t want to pay a cent.  You can join all the groups you want… set up a profile… post stuff… message people… all that is free.

                                                  A lot of what BDSM is about… is in your head.  I truly believe that the vast majority of those into BDSM are what I refer to as ‘real thinkers’.  It’s a lot about what’s going on in your mind… way more than what is simply happening with your body.
                                                  Welcome to the journey!

                                                  Tuesday, 10 June 2014

                                                  Can’t resist this quote

                                                  This is how you lose her…
                                                  “You lose her when you forget to remember the little things that mean the world to her:
                                                  the sincerity in a stranger’s voice during a trip to the grocery,
                                                  the delight of finding something lost or forgotten like a sticker from when she was five,
                                                  the selflessness of a child giving a part of his meal to another,
                                                  the scent of new books in the store,
                                                  the surprise short but honest notes she tucks in her journal and others you could only see if you look closely.
                                                  You must remember when she forgets.
                                                  You lose her when you don’t notice that she notices everything about you: your use of the proper punctuation that tells her continuation rather than finality, your silence when you’re about to ask a question but you think anything you’re about to say to her would be silly, your mindless humming when it is too quiet, your handwriting when you sign your name in blank sheets of paper, your muted laughter when you are trying to be polite, and more and more of what you are, which you don’t even know about yourself, because she pays attention.
                                                  She remembers when you forget.
                                                  You lose her for every second you make her feel less and less of the beauty that she is.
                                                  When you make her feel that she is replaceable. She wants to feel cherished.
                                                  When you make her feel that you are fleeting. She wants you to stay. 
                                                  When you make her feel inadequate. She wants to know that she is enough and she does not need to change for you, nor for anyone else because she is she and she is beautiful, kind and good.
                                                  You must learn her.
                                                  You must know the reason why she is silent. You must trace her weakest spots. You must write to her. You must remind her that you are there. You must know how long it takes for her to give up. You must be there to hold her when she is about to.
                                                  You must love her because many have tried and failed. And she wants to know that she is worthy to be loved, that she is worthy to be kept.
                                                  And, this is how you keep her.”

                                                  daddy doms little girls

                                                  The first point i’d like to make is: Daddy Doms and their little girls are NOT sick and twisted perverts driven by deep seated incestuous or paedophilic desires.

                                                  Littles are simply adult women with a childlike personality and who appreciate an emotionally mature partner to protect, comfort and love them. Littles in a DD/lg relationship are not interested in incest!
                                                  Daddy Doms are Dominants who simply assume a much more nurturing and caring role than Dominants in other types of D/s relationships. Little girls are submissive women who have a naturally childlike personality that is especially dominant in them when they are around a Daddy Dom who makes them feel safe and cherished.
                                                  Daddy Doms vs. Masters:
                                                  Daddy Doms are just like other Dominants and Masters but with 1 or 2 key differences. They still take charge and enjoy being in control but they often enforce different kinds of rules. Daddy Doms will more likely focus on their sibmissive’s personal growth, goals and needs than on things like protocol and how certain actions are carried out. Another difference is that Daddy Doms not only accept but actually value and treasure their submissive’s inner little, encouraging their sub to enter and even live in ‘little space’, to play and to explore and enjoy their little side. Other Masters may rather prefer a submissive with an adult attitude towards life and may actually find littles annoying. Another big difference between other Dominants and Daddy Doms is that being playful, having fun and being able to laugh, A LOT, is a necessity and it is also essential to have a nurturing and affectionate relationship with your little. Not to say that other types of Masters cannot show affection but for the most part they seem to me more stoic, more rigid and far less full of warm fuzzies.
                                                  Daddy Doms and Sadism:
                                                  Just because a Daddy Dom is nurturing and affectionate does not mean that he cannot be sadistic as well. They can enjoy and embrace their inner sadist while catering to and fulfilling their submissive’s masochistic side.
                                                  What is a Daddy-Dom’s job?
                                                  First and foremost, Daddy Doms are Dominants and as such it is his job to take charge of his little, to guide her and help her achieve her goals, to protect her and to love and nurture her. Other types of Dominants may be free to flippantly order their submissive around purely for their own pleasure but Daddy Doms dominate and enforce rules according to goals set in place in order to nurture and guide their little and based on what is in their submissive’s best interest.
                                                  That being said, Daddy Doms do get a great deal of pleasure from their littles both sexually and otherwise.
                                                  Being a Daddy Dom is simply a part of someone’s personality, he likes being a dominant but he likes doing to in a more affectionate and nurturing capacity than is the accepted norm for D/s lifestyle relationships. Daddy Doms often enjoy and find both the little and adult sides of their submissives attractive and can appreciate them both. littles appeal to them because they cater to their desires to nurture, protect and love as well as him enjoying and being amused by the natural, child-like little girl personality in a beautiful adult woman’s body.
                                                  Why are littles the way they are and why do they need a Daddy Dom?
                                                  Littles are unique women who retain a childlike aspect of their personality. This isn’t to say that there is something wrong with them, on the contrary, although the majority of society doesn’t understand their inner little and so sees it as something undesirable. These women need Daddy Doms to make them feel safe, to embrace their inner littles and accept them for who they are in their entirety, the grown up woman and the inner little girl.
                                                  What is a Daddy Dom Like?
                                                  Daddy Doms love their littles unconditionally. They cherish the woman as well as her inner little and revel in her childlike personality, her innocence and her appreciation of the simple things like cuddles and cartoons on a weekend morning, milkshakes instead of coffee and the way she turns to him for reassurance. He protects her, guides her when she is unsure of loses her way, he helps her reach her goals and is proud of her when she does. Daddy Doms with a sadistic streak may love to cause her physical pain, the type she likes and craves, but he hates and does everything he can not to hurt her emotionally. He will punish her for transgression, whether he enjoys it or not, and will praise her for a job well done. It takes a great deal of discipline and strength from a Daddy Dom to do what he needs to do: dominate, care for, guide, punish, praise, comfort, understand and love his little. He draws on his own life experiences to guide her and keep her safe all the while accepting her as his, all parts of her – grown up and little.
                                                  What is a little like?
                                                  Littles are very complex women as they are both sexy, adult women and cute inner littles. They can very well run a company but also may sleep with a teddy bear at night for comfort. She enjoys ‘little’ behaviour which may include games, puzzles, colouring in, arts and crafts, watching cartoons and going out for ice-cream. However, she also enjoys adult interests such as sexy lingerie, girls night out with friends, shopping and much more. She feels safest in her Daddy Dom’s arms and around him she is free to be herself, a quickly mix of adult and little girl and she is free to pursue her ‘little’ interests. She may be needy and whiny at times, she may have irrational fears. She will most likely pout and sulk sometimes but she will also light up with an innocent child-like enthusiasm for things she enjoys and, of course, for her Daddy Dom. She is submissive by nature, seeing the guidance, domination and nurturing love of a Daddy Dom who will guide, protect and comfort her when the world becomes too much to handle. She respects him, submits to his will and trusts him completely to keep her safe and love her.